Фаленопсис solid gold

Фаленопсис solid gold

Phalaenopsis – evergreen, ever-blooming orchids that are very popular because of its simplicity and exceptional variety of flowers. Phalaenopsis genus includes about 50 species and more than 5,000 hybrids of orchids that grow in the rain forests of Malaysia, Southern China and Australia.

Falenopsisy are common (up to 1 meter) and tiny – no more than 30 centimeters.

This genus belongs to the orchid monopodial orchids. Stem upright, much shortened, tight, shiny leaves collected in the outlet. Unlike kattley, falenopsisy not form any roots or Pseudobulb are many aerial roots that these plants are kept under the bark of trees or rock crevices.

Flowers in falenopsysov different shapes and sizes, reminiscent of tropical butterflies. The color is one color – white, pink, red, violet, yellow, purple, green, or rysunchatoho – dots, stripes, spots, etc. Lip of the flower is usually a contrasting color, effectively stands out from the petals. Flowers are stored up to 4 months. Large specimens of certain species in the wild can have huge buds – more than a hundred flowers. Different types and varieties of phalaenopsis bloom at different times. Under favorable conditions, can bloom up to 3 times a year.

As flowering houseplants grow many different varieties and their hybrids:
Falenopsis amabilis Falenopsis amboinensis Falenopsis schilleriana Falenopsis bellina
Falenopsis equestris Falenopsis cornu-cervi Falenopsis stuartiana Falenopsis sanderiana

Unlike most orchids is not resent specific requirements for humidity, temperature, lighting and aeration.

Location. Phalaenopsis prefer a place with multiple light without direct sunlight is best east window. You can keep in the room, but flowering is necessary to take care of and provide artificial lighting for plants duration of daylight for about 12-15 hours. Because winter need additional artificial lighting. If plants are long and thin internodes, leaves become smaller, so little light. Need more shine.

Temperature. Summer temperatures around 22-25 °C, in winter – about 20 °C. for flowering phalaenopsis required rest period after flowering. Recommended 1-2 months (usually fall) contain falenopsisy at a temperature of 16 °C for laying flower buds. When the plant with buds appear, the temperature should not fall below 16 °C. With a lack of light and temperature decreases in falenopsysov can fall off the buds. Well, if you have a light glazed loggia. In summer this is where we can provide the relevant difference day and night temperatures.

Humidity. As with all tropical plants high humidity is a key. Summer phalaenopsis often sprayed (not filling the core outlet), put the pot on the tray of expanded clay, half covered with water. For spraying water are clean, preferably rainwater or snow to avoid the white coating on the leaves. Phalaenopsis suggests sufficient moisture or green tips of their roots – the green part should be long enough.

Irrigation. Watering falenopsisy moderately soft water which is at room temperature. During the growth of the soil should be moderately moist in winter and dormancy after flowering watering much less, but drying the substrate should not be allowed. You must make sure that no water gets into the center of the outlet, which can lead to rotting of the plant.

Although falenopsysov not very pronounced period of rest, but note the rate of transition from dormancy to growth period – the tips of the roots. If the roots have uniform color, they are at rest. If the ends turned green, then a rest period is over, the plant began to grow and need more water.

You can falenopsisy water by immersion – a pot of orchid briefly dipped into a bowl of water for about half the pot, the substrate is well soaked with moisture.

Period of rest. Orchids Phalaenopsis genus, unlike kattley come from areas with more or less uniform moisture throughout the year, so a rest period of these plants is not very pronounced. The duration of the rest period is mainly determined by the physiological state of the plant, usually it comes after a long flowering, and not under the influence of climatic conditions.

Feeding. Fertilize only during active growth with an interval of 3 weeks made ​​solution for complex fertilizers. Period of active growth is not necessarily in the spring-summer.

In some species falenopsysov may not be apparent dormancy, but often alone after flowering the plant needs.

Transplantation. Transplanted falenopsisy as needed. If slowed growth because the pot has become too small, for example. Transplanted very careful not to damage the air roots. Pot is set just above the former, and the old container preferably carefully cut and remove phalaenopsis with dirt clod.

Often used wicker basket filled with moss or pots of transparent material, so that the roots of Phalaenopsis cells contain chlorophyll, which is involved in photosynthesis, and this requires energy light. In a transparent pot roots going green.

Soil. Substrate should be thick, plump. You can take the prepared substrate for orchids. You can make a mixture of pieces of pine bark, roots of ferns, sphagnum moss and charcoal.

Stimulation of flowering. Usually phalaenopsis bloom for several months in a row. When flowering ceases, flower stalks can be reduced so that the cut was an inch above the dormant flower buds. Sleeping kidney sprayed byorehulyatorom Appin, as a result of it, a new flower spike that blooms too long. But we should not forget that the plant is exhausted and it may take a longer time to prepare for the next flowering.

Fans of orchids grow a lot of different hybrids and each has its own requirements for the bloom.

Reproduction. Propagated Phalaenopsis branch and transplant the young shoots. Experienced amateur orchid buds wrapped with moss, so they quickly taken root. Cut and transplanted when the roots of young shoots grow up to 5 centimeters possible to get a large number of children, if overfeed the plant with nitrogen, but fertilizer with high nitrogen content prevent the formation of flowers.

Pests. Falenopsisy often affects spider mites and thrips. In dry air can settle Quadraspidiotus perniciosus. Fight as usual – using insecticides.

– Leaves falenopsisa pale. Maybe too much light or lack of food.

– On the stem or root rot was found. It is necessary to cut tissue and processed powdered charcoal or cinnamon.

– Jewish Agency aerial roots. If newly purchased plants, then you can too dry air and phalaenopsis have adapted to these conditions – make sure to increase humidity. But perhaps mechanical failure or natural aging.

– At the roots of dark spots, but no rot. It may be due to sunburn or too hard water. The tip of a growing root no green and red or pink. It is normal for this variety, often leaves too reddish underneath.

– In yanut leaves. Check the roots – through excessive irrigation could appear in rot. It is best to transplant.

– Blackened tips of the leaves. Check for drafts or waterlogging.

– Lost growth point? This is bad. There will not grow or bloom. But do not rush to throw. Wait watering can appear in lateral kids.

If your phalaenopsis actively grow roots and leaves, but does not want to bloom, the main reason:
– Lack of light – the northern windows phalaenopsis enough light , but they`re growing normally.

– Does not the fertilizer. Must have low nitrogen , adjust fertilizer for flowering plants , and limit the number.

– Not adjusted to the natural cycle of life. Create a rest period of 1-2 months: slight decrease in temperature (16-18 °C), less water (1 per week), it is desirable that it should be a noticeable difference in temperature day and night.

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