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ОСОБЛИВОСТІ СЕЗОННИХ МІГРАЦІЙ ПЕРЕПІЛКИ(COTURNIX COTURNIX L.) НА ТЕРИТОРІЇ УКРАЇНИ В ПЕРІОД1975-2006 РР. (Characteristics of the seasonal migrations of the Quail ( Coturnix coturnix L.) over the territory of Ukraine during 1975-2006.)

The dissertation is dedicated to study the ecological traits of quail populations in natural and transformed ecosystems, its migration, and an analysis of conservation measures to preserve these birds. The work presents 20 for the first time a complex study of the quail nesting densities in various biotopes of the five different physico-geographic zones of Ukraine. An estimate of the population numbers in Ukraine is presented. Specific traits of biotopic distribution of the quail populations were studied in different regions of the country. The migratory routes of the quail and their changes during seasonal migrations in Ukraine were studied for the period 1975-2005. Based on questionnaire data, we demonstrate statistically significant differences in arrival and departure dates between regions with early and late spring and autumn migration terms. The results obtained in this dissertation study allowed the formulation of recommendations concerning conservation and rational utilization of quail populations in natural and transformed ecosystems in Ukraine during the nesting and post-nesting periods. Keywords: quail, numbers, density, seasonal migrations, ecological factors, nesting biotopes, natural and transformed ecosystems.

Известия Харьковского энтомологического общества

Nekrasova, O. D., Tytar, V. M. The expansion, phene pool and seasonal peculiarities of the invasive species Harmonia axyridis (Pallas, 1773) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in Ukraine. The Kharkov Entomol. Soc. Gaz. 2016. Vol. XXIV, iss. 1. P. 22–30. In the recent decades there has been an active worldwide spread of the Asian ladybird Harmonia axyridis. Over an eight-year period (2009–2016) our research resulted in finding this ladybird species in 83 localities (points) of 25 regions of Ukraine. We also made a digital photo collection of the insects and retained samples from different regions of Ukraine. Since 2009 (initially the species was recorded in the Zakarpattya and Kyiv regions), the Asian ladybird has been gradually expanding its range in an eastward direction. This process has been observed in the city of Kyiv and its surroundings, and throughout Ukraine. In 2009, the ladybird was found in 10 localities, whereas in 2012 over 80 such populated localities were recorded in Kyiv and surrounding area. The presented inventory of the ladybird records made in Ukraine was compiled in a chronological order. Mapping and data visualization were carried out using computer software OziExplorer and MapInfo. A study of the morphological features of H. axyridis has revealed 5 phenotypic classes (forms) of the species, 4 of which have naturalized (conspicua, spectabilis, axyridis, succinea). The only specimen belonging to the form aulica was found in the Odessa region. Individual samples and mass records of the species most commonly consist of the light-colored form succinea (73.1 % in Kyiv). As exemplified by the Kyiv urban metropolis, the percentages of various forms found in the populations are depend on the season and the gradient of urbanization. Dark-colored (or ‘black’) forms appear to be more common in the autumn within the vicinity of the metropolis, and their percentage increases by one and a half closer to the end of the year. In the autumn H. axyridis dominates the local ladybird community and its numbers are 10–40 times higher compared to the native species, in this way frequently displacing them. We have also recorded marked phenological (i.e., seasonal) features of Asian ladybird: after the winter period they appear earlier and leave for hibernating later than native species do and reproduce up to 4–5 times per year. These described phenological and biological features of the Asian ladybird give it an advantage over native species, allowing the invader to successfully naturalize and gain an advantage in terms of numbers in certain regions of Ukraine. It was found that despite the harsh conditions of the winter with long-lasting freezing temperatures, limiting the development of harlequin ladybirds, in Ukraine, the invader is likely to adapt to them and may soon become the most common and abundant species.

Півень у салтівській культурі (The rooster in the Saltiv culture)

V. I. Kvitkovski, L. V. Horobets, S. A. Gorbanenko The rooster in the Saltiv culture In 2016, the Slobozhanska Early Medieval Archaeological Expedition has excavated the complex 16 — a pit-cellar, quite typical for sites of the forest-steppe variant of the Saltiv culture in the Siverskyi Dinets basin. The small material is also quite typical for the Saltiv population. The pottery is represented by two fragments of pithos and a fragment of an amphora handle with a neck. The kitchenware from the assemblage was a hand-made: touched up on a potter’s wheel and shaped by hand. The handle and walls of the jars of good quality were also found. The compact find of five bones of roosters tarsometatarsus from the filling of the assemblage attracts attention. This paper attempts to analyze this unique find. The role and significance of the bird in the Saltiv culture is also analyzed. The birds were of normal size, the length of the bones differs from the roosters from earlier sites as well as from some modern outbred roosters by less than 1 cm. Signs that they were fighting roosters (as a result of fights, the birds get leg injuries which remain the marks on the bones) are visible. The small number of finds of chickens in general at the sites of the Saltiv culture does not allow us to claim that they were used in the economy. Currently, this is only the second find of tarsometatarsi of roosters at the sites of the Saltiv culture (the first one comes from the so-called ritual assemblage from Mayaki). In the scientific literature, accordingly, there have been no attempts to interpret such cases. Taking into account the historiographic review of the problems of interpretation of roosters in general from archaeological sites, we come to the conclusion that the tarsometatarsus of roosters could be a symbol (amulets) of bravery and militancy, respectively, most likely, of warriors. And the act of burying this symbol (amulets) can be an act of taking away the powers of a warrior. Keywords: Saltiv cultural-historical community, tarsometatarsus, rooster, ritual, amulet.

А ви знаєте, де зимують дрозди?

Дрозди – одні з найзнаменитіших видів птахів. Мало ктознает, що цей рід птахів з сімейства дроздових має більшу 60-ти видів, але в Росії на вигляд кожен може легко відрізнити лише кілька з них.

Відео: А ви знаєте гри?

Струнка статура, сильні ноги і міцний дзьоб. Дорослий дрізд зовсім невеликий – від 20 до 30 см в довжину, важить птах теж небагато, близько 70 м

Як виглядає ця птиця? Впізнавана оливково-бура спинка, крила темно-зеленого кольору і в цяточку, сіре Надхвістя. Дрозд має біло-жовте черевце з темними цяточками на боках і грудей. На нижньому боці тіла є довгасті плями чорно-бурого кольору.

Відео: А ви знаєте, що . (Відео 1)

Живуть дрозди поодиноко або ж зовсім невеликими колоніями. Гнездоваться починають у квітні, гнізда зазвичай будують на чагарниках. Дерева для гнізд вибирають поруч з галявинами і лісовими полянами. У літню пору птахи харчуються комахами – личинками і черв`яками, рідше поїдають молюсків, восени ж переходять на ягоди. Взимку ці птахи харчуються розм`якшеними плодами дерев. Всім відомо, що дрозди люблять горобину і глід. Через це один вид з роду і отримав назву рябинник.

Де зимують дрозди? Багато видів залишаються зимувати в північних районах, хоча більшість дроздових – перелітні птахи. Звичні місця зимівлі знаходяться на півдні Європи, України, а так само в Передкавказзя і Малої Азії. Взимку нерідко можна зустріти представників роду в парках і в заміських селищах. Проліт в південному напрямку можна помітити в вересні, але якщо урожай горобини рясний, то ці птахи можуть залишитися аж до пізнього листопада.

Відео: Російські хто вони такі? А ви знаєте? Дивитися всім бомба .

Дрозди – приголомшливі співаки. Молоді дрозди мають мало варіацій пісень, а ось спів зрілих самців дуже різноманітно і красиво.

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