Перевірені досвідом рекомендації Українцям Скільки триває 1 година в Euro Truck Simulator 2

Скільки триває 1 година в Euro Truck Simulator 2


Euro Truck Simulator 2 gives you the chance to become a real truck driver from the comfort of your home! Featuring licensed trucks with countless customization options and advanced driving physics, the game delivers an unparalleled driving experience which has put it in the spot of the most popular truck driving simulator on the market. In game world features numerous landmarks and precisely recreated territories to create the ultimate experience, making you feel as if you were driving the trucks in real life! But let’s not be fooled – Euro Truck Simulator 2 is not only about driving – the economy in game allows you to create and grow your own transportation company exactly as you see fit – the opportunities are endless!

Nordic Horizons


Unexpectedly engrossing. Heed the mockers and you’ll miss one of the PC’s finest and freshest driving games.

The “I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award” Award
The “Sit Back and Relax” Award


Europe’s famous
truck brands

Euro Truck Simulator 2 features 7 licensed truck brands and a total of 15 unique truck models to drive – every one of these vehicles has been licensed from the manufacturer and recreated in detail to make you feel like driving a real truck.

Vast landscape

The in game world spans across 33 European countries featuring closely recreated environments, roads, cities and landmarks. The detail of in-game world will make you feel as you were traveling across a living world.

Personal Career

There is no set career path that will be forced on you – every player is given the opportunity to create their own character and grow their skills as they see fit: various strategies let you to shape your future just as you imagine it!


The game does not end after you buy your dream truck – Euro Truck Simulator 2 allows you to grow a vast shipping company from the comfort of your home – you have a full choice of drivers, fleet and the way your company grows.


Every truck can be customized in a countless number ranging from chassis configurations and cabs to colors and cosmetics. The sum of possible combinations allows everyone to tailor the trucks to their exact preferences.

Modding and

The modding community creates amazing modifications of almost every nature – anything you imagine can be added as a mod for the game. Be sure to check out the almost endless set of modifications that are created every day by our fans.

© 2012 – 2024 SCS Software s.r.o.
All brand names, trademarks, registered marks, logos, and symbols on vehicles in the game are property of their rightful owners. Used with kind permission.
The MAN® trademarks and designs are registered rights of MAN Truck & Bus AG and are used under license to SCS Software s.r.o.
“Mercedes-Benz” and “Three pointed star in a ring” are trademarks of Daimler AG and used under license by SCS Software s.r.o.
The RENAULT trademarks and designs are registered rights of or licensed to the AB Volvo Group and are used pursuant to a license.
The VOLVO trademarks (word and device), other related trademarks, if applicable, and the Volvo designs are licensed by the AB Volvo Group.

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«Неожиданно увлекательная игра. Поддайтесь насмешкам, и вы пропустите один из самых крепких и отточенных симуляторов вождения на ПК.»
85 из 100 – PC Gamer

«Ее выдающимися игровым процессом и графической составляющей Euro Truck Simulator 2 установила новый стандарт для жанра симуляторов.»
95 из 100 – Gaming Nexus

Вышло обновление

Give American Truck Simulator a test drive

Start your new truck empire in the United States! Try the demo of American Truck Simulator and visit the Steam store page.

Список возможностей

Об этой игре

Станьте королем европейских дорог — водителем грузовика, который доставляет важные грузы на немалые расстояния! Вас ждут десятки городов Великобритании, Бельгии, Германии, Италии, Нидерландов, Польши и не только. Испытайте свои умения, выносливость и скорость. Докажите, что готовы стать частью элитного сообщества дальнобойщиков!

В игре вы сможете:

  • Доставлять самые разнообразные грузы в 60+ европейских городов.
  • Управлять своим бизнесом, который растет даже тогда, когда сами вы за рулем и доставляете груз.
  • Создать свой парк грузовиков, покупать гаражи, нанимать водителей и повышать прибыльность компании.
  • Настраивать грузовики на свой вкус: от технических характеристик до внешнего вида.
  • Заменять на своих машинах фары, сигналы, проблесковые маячки, выхлопные системы и не только.
  • Проехать по настоящим дорогам длиной в тысячи километров и увидеть сотни знаменитых мест и сооружений.

World of Trucks («Мир грузовиков»)

Попробуйте все возможности Euro Truck Simulator 2, вступив в онлайн-сообщество World of Trucks. Это наш центр для игроков-водителей со всего света, которым интересна игра Euro Truck Simulator 2 и будущие симуляторы грузовиков от SCS Software.

  • Используйте встроенный в игру Фоторежим, чтобы сохранять лучшие моменты и делиться ими с тысячами любителей грузовиков.
  • Добавляйте понравившиеся изображения в избранное и просматривайте их когда захотите.
  • Обсуждайте снимки с другими игроками на портале World of Trucks.
  • Смотрите тщательно отобранные снимки в обновляемой почти каждый день подборке от создателей игры. Ваш снимок тоже может в нее попасть!
  • Загружайте в игру свой аватар и номерной знак.
  • Скоро будут новые функции!

Регистрация в World of Trucks не обязательна и не требуется для игры.


Euro Truck Simulator 2 gives you the chance to become a real truck driver from the comfort of your home! Featuring licensed trucks with countless customization options and advanced driving physics, the game delivers an unparalleled driving experience which has put it in the spot of the most popular truck driving simulator on the market. In game world features numerous landmarks and precisely recreated territories to create the ultimate experience, making you feel as if you were driving the trucks in real life! But let’s not be fooled – Euro Truck Simulator 2 is not only about driving – the economy in game allows you to create and grow your own transportation company exactly as you see fit – the opportunities are endless!

Nordic Horizons


Unexpectedly engrossing. Heed the mockers and you’ll miss one of the PC’s finest and freshest driving games.

The “I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award” Award
The “Sit Back and Relax” Award


Europe’s famous
truck brands

Euro Truck Simulator 2 features 7 licensed truck brands and a total of 15 unique truck models to drive – every one of these vehicles has been licensed from the manufacturer and recreated in detail to make you feel like driving a real truck.

Vast landscape

The in game world spans across 33 European countries featuring closely recreated environments, roads, cities and landmarks. The detail of in-game world will make you feel as you were traveling across a living world.

Personal Career

There is no set career path that will be forced on you – every player is given the opportunity to create their own character and grow their skills as they see fit: various strategies let you to shape your future just as you imagine it!


The game does not end after you buy your dream truck – Euro Truck Simulator 2 allows you to grow a vast shipping company from the comfort of your home – you have a full choice of drivers, fleet and the way your company grows.


Every truck can be customized in a countless number ranging from chassis configurations and cabs to colors and cosmetics. The sum of possible combinations allows everyone to tailor the trucks to their exact preferences.

Modding and

The modding community creates amazing modifications of almost every nature – anything you imagine can be added as a mod for the game. Be sure to check out the almost endless set of modifications that are created every day by our fans.

© 2012 – 2024 SCS Software s.r.o.
All brand names, trademarks, registered marks, logos, and symbols on vehicles in the game are property of their rightful owners. Used with kind permission.
The MAN® trademarks and designs are registered rights of MAN Truck & Bus AG and are used under license to SCS Software s.r.o.
“Mercedes-Benz” and “Three pointed star in a ring” are trademarks of Daimler AG and used under license by SCS Software s.r.o.
The RENAULT trademarks and designs are registered rights of or licensed to the AB Volvo Group and are used pursuant to a license.
The VOLVO trademarks (word and device), other related trademarks, if applicable, and the Volvo designs are licensed by the AB Volvo Group.

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