Як звати дочку Віторгана

“Він приймає мої бажання”: дочка Віторгана розповіла про трепетні відносини з батьком

Поліна Віторган, дочка знаменитого актора і режисера Максима Віторгана, ніколи не приховувала своїх почуттів до батька. Нещодавно 23-річна спадкоємиця, яка встигла вже прославитися завдяки серіалам “Травневі стрічки” і “Щоденник доктора Зайцевої”, зізналася своїм шанувальникам, що батько завжди говорить їй тільки правду. Більш того, колишній чоловік Ксенії Собчак не намагається змінювати свою дочку, тому приймає всі її бажання.

“Я вдячна татові, тому що він завжди говорить чесно. Коли я випускаю вистави або в будь-який інший момент, якщо мені треба, я його кличу. Я знаю, що він мені завжди чесно скаже. Не буде такого: “Ой, доню моя, ти така прекрасна”. Тато завжди приймає мої бажання, ніколи не тисне, не намагається змінювати. Батьки дають мені свободу, і це дуже круто”, – написала Поліна.

The families below have had their lives destroyed by the war in Ukraine. Many have lost their homes, their jobs, and everything they’ve owned. Some are living close to the front lines and in occupied territories, beyond the reach of any humanitarian help. All of your donations go directly to the bank accounts of these families within 24 hours. A $100 donation makes a big difference:

  • $100 = 1 month of groceries in Ukraine
  • $100 = 2months of diapers in Ukraine
  • $100 = 3 months of medications in Ukraine

Families We Recently Helped

Natalya Lendel from Odesa

Olha Shyika from Mariupol

Maryna Sheliya from Dokuchayevsk

Alina Kravchenko from Chernihiv

Alyona Soroka from Lysychansk

Frequently Asked Questions

We are currently focusing on helping families survive who have two or more children and a re living in a warzone in Ukraine or have escaped from one.

Each family has to submit an application, including a video request, their address, email, phone number, and social media profiles. Our team of Ukrainian volunteers and helpers verifies the authenticity of the application and the family’s location.

Many families also provide additional photos of how the war has affected their life. We see many pictures of homes destroyed by rockets, empty fridges due to a destroyed economy, and sick children with no resources to purchase medicine.

You can see our complete vetting process here: https://gate.org/vetting-process

Currently we do not allow duplicate applications and filter out any that come in.

Currently the limit is $100, which helps a lot in Ukraine.

Most people in Ukraine don’t have the latest generation iPhones and Androids and the videos they submit are the best quality their older phones are able to produce.

Our Ukrainian team of helpers and volunteers works diligently to transcribe, then translate the content for every video submission so you can see the subtitles and understand each family’s story.

Unfortunately, as you can see in the stories shared in the submissions, the humanitarian help is not reaching millions of people in Ukraine. A lot of the humanitarian goods that arrive in Western Ukraine, don’t make it to the South or East, where they are needed most. Additionally, many Ukrainian families are now living in temporarily occupied territories controlled by the Russian army, where it is impossible to deliver humanitarian goods.

Additionally, due to the war, the Ukrainian economy is completely destroyed, with millions of people displaced and suddenly without a job and with no resources.

Our organization does not charge any fees, we transfer all of the donated funds we receive (adjusted for payment processing fees) directly to the families.

Depending on how you send your donation to us, we are charged a payment processing fee. If you’re donating using a credit card, we use Stripe to accept those donations and their payment processing fee for non-profits is ~2.2%. If you are using Zelle, it’s 0%.

We then wire transfer the funds from our bank account in the US to our bank account in Ukraine – the wire transfer fees are waived. From our bank account in Ukraine, we distribute the donations directly to the debit cards of the families (this is the most common way to transfer money in Ukraine) and it’s also free. The funds are converted from USD to UAH at the current bank rate.

Adjusting for payment processing fees, the families receive between $97.8 and $100 (depending on how you send the funds to us) for every $100 donated.

If you would like, you can choose to cover the payment processing fees when filling out the donation form.

We then wire transfer the funds from our bank account in the US to our bank account in Ukraine – the wire transfer fees are waived. From our bank account in Ukraine, we distribute the donations directly to the debit cards of the families (this is the most common way to transfer money in Ukraine) and it’s also free. The funds are converted from USD to UAH at the current bank rate.

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