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The 8 Best Garden Centers and Nurseries in Virginia!

Virginian landscapers and plant enthusiasts are a passionate group. Between the hundreds of nurseries, garden centers, and outposts scattered through the Commonwealth, it can be hard to know which has the most knowledgeable staff with the best selection. That’s where we come in! Those with a green thumb will love these 8 great garden centers and nurseries in Virginia.

Merrifield Garden Center, Multiple locations

The Merrifield Garden Center has three locations, one in Merrifield, one in Fairfax, and another in Gainesville, Virginia. As a full-service garden center, nursery, and landscaping company since 1971, Merrifield has serviced the Northern Virginia area with exceptionally consistent quality. While still technically a mom and pop, Merrifield is a massive family owned and operated business, with over 750 employees helping to operate one of the biggest centers in the country. Merrifield sells lawn and garden products, house and home products, landscaping services, as well as a huge variety of plants. They host seasonal gardening seminars and events and have regularly updated blog posts on their website.

McDonald Garden Center, Multiple locations

The McDonald Garden Center in Virginia Beach, Hampton, and Portsmouth, is a Hampton Roads staple. In addition to the three main locations, ten more garden markets service customers throughout the Tidewater area. McDonald Garden Center was founded in 1945. Today, it has three year-round garden centers, a production facility, landscaping design and installation divisions, as well as a tremendous amount of plants for sale.

Ulster American Homestead Garden Centre, Williamsburg, VA

The Ulster American Homestead Garden Centre in Williamsburg, Virginia, is family-owned and family grown with regular specials and a transparent plant production schedule. Besides the wide variety of plants, Homestead offers unique gardening supplies, including pots, potting soil, disease and pest control, and more. Most of the plants sold are grown in their own tree houses and are overseen from planting to point of sale. Make sure to check out their custom planted services for any special event.

Burke Nursery and Garden Center, Burke, VA

The Burke Nursery and Garden Center in Burke, Virginia, caters to the entire Northern Virginia region. Their wide variety of annuals, perennials, trees, shrubs, and vines will dazzle the horticulturalist in you. Burke also offers landscape design and installation and has great gardening tips and advice on their website. Make sure to check out their site before stopping in for the regularly updated coupons.

Greenstreet Gardens of Virginia, Alexandria, VA

Greenstreet Gardens in Alexandria, Virginia, received the 2010 Gene Hall Community Service Award “in recognition for outstanding contributions…to the South County Community.” As a small business, the owners aim to give back to the community as much as possible. Greenstreet is a year-round operation growing all kinds of plants under the roof of their 70,000-square-foot greenhouse. Purchase flowers and other gifts at their physical location and help them continue to support their community.

Sneed’s Nursery and Garden Center, Richmond, VA

Sneed’s Nursery and Garden Center in Richmond Virginia has a garden center, flower shop, landscaping department, and offers classes to help novices learn how to become successful planters. Originally a general store opened in 1933 next to what is now the Garden Center, Sneed’s nursery has undergone quite a few transformations to reach its current height. While the flower shop is still new in comparison to the garden center and landscaping business, Sneed’s already has quite a few successful events under their belts. When in Richmond, try Sneed’s first.

Wolf Trap Nursery, Vienna, VA

The Wolf Trap Nursery’s offerings are top notch. Since 1972, Wolf Trap has serviced the Northern Virginia area and continues strong to this day with a fantastic selection of Bonsai trees, tropical orchids, houseplants, roses, evergreen, deciduous, and ornamental trees, garden tools, concrete products, and much more. Check out the Bonsai classes and workshops to learn how to properly care for your Bonsai and peruse the center while you’re on site to properly get in touch with your innerZen.

Norfolk County Feed and Seed Store, Portsmouth, VA

The people of Portsmouth, Virginia, have gotten their home, lawn, and garden goods from the Norfolk County Feed and Seed Store since 1947. The store carries fertilizers, soils, plants and bulbs, seeds, flowers, herbs, compost, bird houses, gardening tools, as well as household items and pet care. Their 70 years of service shows in everything that they do. Norfolk County Feed and Seed is exceptional.

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« Заказывала семена цветов. Все получила быстро-за неделю, тогда как на других сайтах отправка . »

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Интернет-магазин “Цветочный дворик Анны” – это сайт для цветоводов и любителей растений. В нашем магазине представлен большой выбор профессиональных семян цветов и овощей от отечественных и зарубежных производителей, а также семена своего сбора. Большинство предлагаемых в нашем интернет-магазине семян зарубежной и отечественной селекции проходят проверку на всхожесть и качество в наших теплицах, где мы выращиваем цветочную и овощную рассаду.

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